Natural World

Winter Tree Trail in Botanic Gardens

Monday 19 & Tuesday 20 February, 11.00am–12.30pm

Suitability: 16 Yrs+


Winter Tree Trail gives the public a chance to visit some of the 500+ trees in the Botanic Gardens and learn to recognise them in their winter clothes. This features a guided walk through the tree collections starting with the conifers – the sequoias, the pines, the recently discovered Wollemia and many others from around the world. We will then look at a number of deciduous trees that can be identified from their winter twigs, followed by a short workshop in the warmth of the Bowling Pavilion where we can look at specimens collected and make use of tree identification books.
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Bowling Pavilion
Botanic Gardens
College Park E
Belfast BT7 1LP


Belfast City CouncilFriends of Botanic